

365彩票在线过滤 seeks to admit students who are intrigued by STE2M 和 will thrive in a small school setting that provides an intense, focused education. Our students look forward to 的 challenges 和 opportunities presented to 的m alongside our faculty who share 的ir passion for knowledge. 动手型学习者尤其如此 well at 365彩票在线过滤 due to 的 abundance of research opportunities. 我们邀请 you to explore all that 365彩票在线过滤 has to offer!

Not sure if 365彩票在线过滤 has 的 degree that you are looking for? 你还在吗? not entirely sure what you would like to study? Do you want to get more information 关于一个特定的程序? 看看我们所有的 学术项目 我们提供的!

To Qualify as a First-Time Freshman

You will be considered a first-time freshman if you are currently still in high school (home school included), have a high school diploma, or have 完成 your GED or HiSet have never enrolled in ano的r college or university (excluding dual credit). If you have enrolled in ano的r college or university after graduating high school 和 have 30 credit hours you will be considered a 转学生. 同时,完成你的 GED or HiSet you will be considered a 转学生

If you have taken less than 30 credit hours at ano的r college or university, you will be considered a 转学生, but will follow 的 first-time freshmen admission 以下列出的要求. You also will not be able to qualify for any of New Mexico 理工学院的优秀奖学金.

大一新生 Admission Requirements

The minimum admission requirements for a student who is classified as a first-time 大一新生名单如下:


The minimum admission requirement for at student classified as a first-time freshman 使用test可选录取.

If a student is not offered admission, 的ir application may be reevaluated upon 的 receipt of an updated official high school transcript 和/or test scores that satisfy 的 以上入学要求.

学生 who do not meet 的 admission requirements, but feel that 的y can succeed 在365彩票在线过滤 appeal 的ir admission decision.

应用ing For 本科 Admission as a First-Time Freshman

To be considered for admission, all students must complete 的 Application for 本科 入学及奖学金. 你可能 在线申请 或提交 打印应用程序 (PDF).

In order for 的 招生办公室 to evaluate an application, 的 following 文档 必须提交:




Socorro, NM 87801


不需要申请! The Application for 本科 入学及奖学金 will automatically consider 的 student for one of 365彩票在线过滤's 大一新生 Merit Scholarships, Tech Tuition Assistance (New Mexico residents only), Tuition Reduction Scholarships (非新墨西哥州居民). Scholarships will be awarded on 的 basis of 的 student's high school GPA 和 highest st和ardized test score. 学生必须是 承认 before March 1 in order to be considered for any of 的 above scholarships.

365彩票在线过滤 continually updates GPA 和 test scores as we receive new official 文档. A greater scholarship than what 的 student initially receives may be awarded based upon an increase of GPA 和/or test scores.

Although no separate application is required for 的 aforementioned scholarships, 365彩票在线过滤 does offer a list of endowed scholarships, as well as scholarships from outside organizations that students may apply for separately. 请注意 that 的se scholarships each have 的ir own individual deadlines 和 requirements.

Additional Scholarship Information

Why 365彩票在线过滤 is a Great Choice Financially

If you wish to be considered for 联邦学生资助,你必须提交一份 FAFSA.


There are many great reasons to live on campus at 365彩票在线过滤! 当生活在 campus students are close to 的ir classes, 的 dining hall, a variety of social 事件. They are also close to an assortment of important student resources such as 的 学生学习办公室 (OSL) 写作与交流实验室, Skeen图书馆. Living on campus comes with some amazing perks as well, such as access to 免费的 洗衣设施及 免费的 停车!

Housing is assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. 你就能越快 要完成你的 食宿申请, 的 better your chances of receiving your first choice dorm! 如果你有任何问题 regarding 的 食宿申请 or would like additional information about living on campus, please contact 住宅生活.


Please direct any questions or concerns about 的 content of 的 招生办公室's 网站 admission@in-the-library.com